Wednesday, August 17, 2011





We the people of India have completely lost faith in the present system of governance. This charter of demands is not addressed to the present ruling party or any other existing party. It is addressed to ourselves around which we want to organise ourselves to create a new system.

We expect that in coming days, weeks and months the Indian people will arise, gather in every city, town and village square and throw out the present government like they did in Tunisia and Egypt. An interim government will be formed representing all the people’s movement in every part of India. The government may have to pass decrees to protect the wealth of the country.

The charter given below is to help to organise/give a call to the people to bring such a mobilisation. It is also a programme for such an interim government to implement.

The Immediate Charter I

eace and Bread

  1. Cease fire on all fronts. Withdraw all armed police and army from all people’s movements – Kashmir, North East, Maoists, and Movements against big projects like nuclear and thermal power plants and SEZs and other movements. Release all prisoners involved in these movements.
  2. Sign no war pacts with Pakistan and China and all other neighbouring countries. Withdraw all Indian soldiers if any from any country outside India. Demilitarise Siachin Glacier. Stop all military intervention and military aid to all the countries. Release all the Pakistanis and other foreign prisoners languishing in Indian jails and send them back to their countries.
  3. Start universal rationing in all the affected districts under Maoists, Kashmir, and North East. Seek cooperation from these movements to implement it.

The Immediate Charter II

Lasting Peace and Freedom from Hunger

  1. Open dialogs with all the parties involved and arrive at a solution based on the “Quaker Method’ of conducting meeting. Create new states like Telangana, Vidharbha, Gorkhaland, Bodoland etc. where the movement have been going on for decades. Cancel all new MOUs of mining, nuclear and thermal power plants and SEZs.
  2. Solve the Kashmir Problem with a dialogue between all the three parties involved –The Kashmiris, India and Pakistan. The solution could be based on uniting the all the Kashmiris and an independent Kashmir based on a model like Switzerland and Bhutan.
  3. Settle the border issue with China based on existing occupation. That is by giving up claim on Aksai Chin and settling on the basis of give and take. Make the border settlement final.
  4. Extend universal rationing to the whole country based on local procurement and local food habits.
  5. Implement universal secondary education and primary health care in all the affected districts in cooperation of people’s movement.
  6. Abolish all competitive examinations for recruitment. Recruit on the basis of qualifying examination results and ‘Pilani Method’ of equalizing scores of different boards and universities. The money and teaching staff saved be utilized in improving existing schools and colleges.
  7. Abolish private sub standard/fake engineering and medical colleges. The buildings and staff released should be used for schools.
  8. Start eco restoring programmes in all degraded regions with the help of people’s movement. Make education and research in agro-ecology as a focus at all levels of education.

Maintaining Peace and Moving towards Happiness

Moving towards Socialism

1. The interim government will form a Constitution Assembly to draw up a new Constitution. This could be federal constitution on the lines of 1924 Soviet Constitution. Based on such a Constitution a new socialist society will come into being.

2. Socialism for the 21st century will be based on:

a. Equality and Peace

b. Scaling down present levels of energy

c. Local self sufficiency