Monday, July 20, 2009

We always want to be happy.
Our mind search for the activities out which, we could get happiness.
We are afraid of god, other people and what not, to carry out those activities.
Very few times those activities are unethical. But just because of fear we kill our wishes.
There is not a single thing on which worldly people will not comment or criticize. But still we are afraid. And at the same time other people are also wrong in some or other way. So why should we worry.
Listening to our own ;Man; and living life Bindhast is what I call a pro-life attitude.
Life = joy / liveliness / cheer / creativity / innovation / thrill and …(fill your definitions)
Negating all this in the name of god, morals, manners, civilization, culture, is anti-life attitude. Which is taken by only hypocrites and always be condemned.

1 comment:

Naveen said...

beautiful vinayak. lovely :)